Aiming higher and moving forward: arts classes that promote achievement for those living with mental illness in Bolton funded by Comic Relief Grants

This project, kindly funded by Comic Relief, aims to increase the self-confidence of our participants and instil hope within them that you can still achieve great things when you have experienced mental health problems through high-quality arts projects in Bolton.

The classes offered as part of this project include drawing classes, led by the talented JadeDraws, ceramics/clay at Create Bolton and other mixed arts.

Across May/June 2021, we ran our 4 week drawing course led by Jade and this will be followed by clay workshops at an external location in the early autumn.

In September 2021, we are running a 4 week ceramics (working with clay) course at Create Bolton as part of this project. Places can now be booked via Eventbrite. If there is a high demand, we hope to schedule a further four weeks later this year.

The project will culminate in a showcase later in the year and participants will have the opportunity to contribute to our themed annual publication, which is ‘reawakening’ in 2021.

Places on this project can be booked via our Eventbrite page, which you can reach by clicking here.

Creative classes for young people facing mental health issues: funded by The Baring Foundation

In late 2020, we received generous funding from The Baring Foundation to run creative classes for young people experiencing mental illness in our local area with the aim of promoting achievement through art.

We are hoping to take these workshops touring to many young people’s organisations as well as hold them at Breakdown Bolton.

The first dates for creative writing workshops for young people are now available to book. Please click on the image below to be taken to the booking page, where you can find further details of these classes.

We will be following these workshops with more in different art forms, at different locations and will keep you updated.