Health and Wellbeing: Funded by Bolton CVS 2018-2021
In 2018 we received funding over 2 years to run workshops that promote improved wellbeing for those living with mental illness across the Bolton area.
So far, we have worked with many different organisations such as Mhist, St George’s Day Centre, All Souls, Little Lever Life Support Group as well as our own groups at Neoartists and virtually during the pandemic.
The workshops have been in a variety of art forms including print, creative writing, book making and more.
The work from this project has been displayed at several exhibitions across the last three years with our most recent printing course being displayed in June 2021.
Participants of the course in 2021 will also have the opportunity to contribute to our annual anthology with a theme of reawakening.
Thanks to Bolton CVS for funding this project.